Christine Wilson

— About the Author

Christine Wilson is a writer, photographer, and an RN holding two degrees, plus many other certifications from the construction field to the medical field. She has received the American Nurses Association award of New York for Future Nurse Leader.

Her vast life's experiences dealing with natural science and the supernatural spirit allows her to be able to reach people on deep levels many cannot voice. She also creates content through her gifts and talents to inspire and aid in healing the human heart and mind with compassion.

Her niche is to say what others cannot verbally express. It hasn't always been like that. From the hoods of New York City, to being homeless, to a beautiful house, now living in the rural suburbs of Georgia—she has survived death and glows with life in the darkness that surrounds her.


About the Book: Glow In The Dark

Have you ever been told that life was important? And then one day, you disagreed. Soon enough you come to find out there are others who agree with your disagreement. A fight within begins: do I want to live, or do I want to die? What if you lost hope and believed you were already dead, and eventually nothing else matters? Life then becomes nothing but a game, and you want to be the MVP. The problem is no one values you—not even you.

Death finally approaches and it's not the way you imagined! You can choose your life, but you cannot choose your death. What do you do now when it's just before your last breath and you've been given one opportunity to survive a brutal death? You better pray!
